Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chicago "Dawg"

It may be known as the United States, but there is a great division when it comes to the proper way to assemble the iconic hot dog. A quick survey of a few forums -- dedicated solely to this topic -- provided heated discussions and feelings that appeared to run deep. There are hot dogs with and without ketchup, those with chili ladled on top, and even some with cream cheese. The division is generally a matter of regionality with true Chicagoans considering ketchup a disgrace to the sandwich.

The Chicago hot dog, often pronounced "hawt dawg", is one of the  more veggie filled ones. It's known as the hot dog which was "dragged through the garden". It reportedly began during the depression in Flunky's a Jewish owned sandwich shop which explains the all beef frankfurter.

The frankfurter can be steamed or grilled, in this case it becomes a char-dog, and is typically nestled in a high starch poppy seed bun to compensate for the steam from the meat. The toppings are American mustard, chopped white onions, pickle relish, a pickle spear, tomato slices, sport peppers, and a sprinkling of celery salt.

Besides arguing the best toppings on a hot dog there is also no end to discussing who serves the best hot dog in each category. It is definitely difficult to determine in the Chicago area,  as the area claims to have more hot dog stands than McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger Kings combined. That's a hell of a lot of hawt dawgsz!

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