Saturday, April 4, 2015

Prison Break Terror

I don't know how you are, but when I watch series there is always a piece of me thinking things are a bit unrealistic. The villain always seems too easily caught and the hero too savvy, or, in possible contradiction, the criminal is unbelievably successful in his ambitions while the  law enforcers make every blunder in the book depending on the angle of the story. But after reading the news tonight, I'll put a little more stock in the probabilities of some television. The news is probably the inspiration behind many scripts.

It appears that a murder convict escaped a prison in Illinois by choking the security guard on duty to death, dressing up in his clothes and escaping with his SUV. Sounds a bit too close to Prison Break starring Wentworth Miller. There was a possible breech of security from the inmate's aunt who used to work as a corrections officer as well as an error during lock down that allowed the prison break to take place. Some are also blaming the escape and concurring murder on staff cuts made state wide due to budget cuts. Whatever the case, there were a lot of things that took place at just the right time that allowed twenty-three year old Kamron Taylor to bust out. Thankfully, the police were intuitive enough to follow a lead in Chicago's South Side and picked him up after only three days. He did not escape to Panama, but is instead awaiting gun charges as they caught him with a loaded weapon.

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