Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We mentioned Chicago hot dogs in an earlier post, and feel its only fair to give equal attention to Chicago pizza. Different from all other pizzas and developed in Chicago, Chicago deep-dish pizza could easily be the signature dish of the city. Of course, Chicago's thin-crust pizza has its own following which would argue the point vehemently. Either way, the two pizzas are true Chicago food. We'll introduce both -- can't say unbiasedly -- and let the chips fall where they may.

Deep-dish pizza is just that -- deeply satisfying. We don't know exactly how it got here, but we love it. More of a tart than a pizza per se, the deep-dish has a dough shaped like a tart shell and is filled with cheeses, meats and veggies to the customers liking and then baked with the sauce on top. Be warned this is not finger food!

The thin-crust, as the name implies is a pizza with a really thin crust. The pizza sauce is a bit spicy normally and the pizza is cut into squares rather than wedges. Where  the deep-dish leaves you feeling like you've had a three course meal, the thin-crust has more of a tapa feel to it, something you'd munch on between beers.

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